Following the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ in daily life brings blessings, peace, and a closer connection to Allah. Here are some simple Sunnahs that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine:
🌅 Upon Waking Up
✔ Wipe the sleep from your eyes, as the Prophet ﷺ used to do.
✔ Enter the bathroom with your left foot, and say: “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the male and female devils.”
✔ Perform ablution (wudu’) after waking up, as the Prophet ﷺ would purify himself upon rising.
✔ Brush your teeth with a miswak or toothbrush, as he said: “If it were not to be a burden on my nation, I would have ordered them to use the miswak with every prayer.” (Bukhari)
✔ Don’t forget the morning supplication: “All praise is due to Allah who has given us life after death, and to Him is the resurrection.”
📖 Starting Your Day
✔ Read the Quran daily, even if just a few verses, as it is a light for the heart and healing for the soul.
✔ Sit while eating, as the Prophet ﷺ used to do.
✔ Say “Bismillah” before eating, because if you don’t, Satan partakes in your food.
✔ Eat with your right hand, as the Prophet ﷺ said: “When one of you eats, let him eat with his right hand, and when he drinks, let him drink with his right hand, for indeed, Satan eats and drinks with his left hand.” (Muslim)
✔ Drink in three sips, as he advised: “Do not drink in one gulp like a camel, but drink in two or three sips, and say Bismillah before drinking and Alhamdulillah after finishing.” (Tirmidhi)
🍽 During and After Meals
✔ Clean your plate, as it is part of good manners and appreciation for the blessing.
✔ Stop eating before you feel full, as the Prophet ﷺ said: “The son of Adam does not fill a vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for him to eat a few bites to keep his back straight.” (Tirmidhi)
✔ Say “Alhamdulillah” after finishing your meal, as gratitude increases blessings.
🏡 At Home and with Others
✔ Help with household chores, as the Prophet ﷺ used to assist his family.
✔ Put on your right shoe first, and when removing them, start with the left.
✔ Say “SubhanAllah” when descending and “Allahu Akbar” when ascending, a great Sunnah to practice.
✔ Help those in need, as “Whoever helps his brother, Allah will help him.”
✔ Greet people with “As-salamu Alaikum”, as it is the greeting of the people of Paradise and brings peace.
✔ Complete your work with honesty and excellence, as the Prophet ﷺ said: “Indeed, Allah loves when one of you performs a task, that he does it with excellence.” (Bayhaqi)
✔ Smile and be kind, as smiling is a charity in Islam.
🏠 When Entering and Leaving Home
✔ Say “As-salamu Alaikum” when entering your home, as it brings blessings and keeps the devil away.
✔ Stay connected with relatives, as maintaining family ties increases lifespan and sustenance.
🌙 Before Sleeping
✔ Perform ablution before sleeping, as the Prophet ﷺ would sleep in a state of purity.
✔ Brush your teeth before bed, as it is a forgotten Sunnah.
✔ Recite Ayat al-Kursi, as it protects you from Satan until morning.
✔ Sleep on your right side with your right hand under your cheek, following the practice of the Prophet ﷺ.
💡 Summary Table of Daily Sunnahs
Time of Day | Sunnah Practice |
Upon Waking Up | Wiping eyes, performing wudu, brushing teeth, morning supplication |
During Meals | Saying “Bismillah”, eating with the right hand, drinking in three sips |
After Meals | Saying “Alhamdulillah”, cleaning the plate, not overeating |
At Home | Greeting with Salaam, helping family, maintaining honesty in work |
Before Sleep | Performing wudu, reading Ayat al-Kursi, sleeping on the right side |
By incorporating these Sunnahs, you can transform your daily routine into an act of worship and draw closer to Allah.
Which Sunnahs do you practice daily? Share your thoughts in the comments! 😊